Tips for Setting Your AC for Vacation

As you get ready to take that much-awaited summer vacation, it’s necessary to get your house prepared for the time that you’re going to be away. While you’re likely thinking about who’s going to take care of your pets and pick up your mail, you also need to consider your air conditioning system. It needs to be set at an appropriate temperature to ensure that your home stays safe while you’re on vacation. Leave It On It’s pretty common to think that your air conditioning system doesn’t need to be on while you’re away from home if no one’s going to be there. In fact, it may seem a bit counterintuitive to have it running and burning energy that you’re going to have to pay for. However, in the bigger scheme of things, it makes sense to leave it on. When the weather gets really hot outside, it tends to bring in high humidity levels. As this humid air enters your home, it will up the relative humidity level inside. A high indoor relative humidity level can make your home susceptible to mold growth, insect infestation, and even wood damage. Humidity Is a Big Issue Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t even...

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