Tips for End-of-Summer HVAC Maintenance

While summer’s heat is still upon us, cooler days are just around the corner. As you’re getting ready for fall and winter in Oak Harbor, WA, season-ending HVAC maintenance is a step that shouldn’t be skipped. If you’re not sure where to start, read on for some easy tips from the experts. Replace Your Air Filter Often, homeowners forget about their air filters because they are getting their furnaces ready for winter. However, air filter changes are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to keep your home’s air conditioning system in top condition. Though most systems do well with a new filter every 90 days, yours may need more frequent changes. Refer to your system manual or ask in Oak Harbor for filter advice. Gradually Cut Back on Usage If your air conditioner has been running constantly from June through September, it might be time to give it a little break. As autumn approaches, the temperature will begin to drop, so it’s safe to gradually reduce your air conditioning usage. Think about raising the thermostat setting by a few degrees to give your overworked AC a breather. Close the blinds during the hottest part of the day to...

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