Heater Smell: Why Is There a Burning Smell When I Turn it On?

If you’ve ever turned on your heater only to meet with a burning smell, then you’re not alone. It’s a common problem with furnaces, especially one that hasn’t been used in a while. It can be a severe issue, so it’s best to be aware of the causes and solutions for this problem before the smell becomes worse. Read on to learn what causes a burning smell in your heater and what you can do to fix it. The Heater Is Dirty The first reason the heater smells like its burning is that it needs cleaning. When you turn on your heater for the first time during winter, or if you haven’t used it for an extended period, then it’s likely that any dust or particles that have gathered inside need to be removed before the heater can function correctly. This is why there may be an unpleasant burning smell when you turn on the heat for the first time – it’s simply particles being burned away. Defective Heating Element Another cause may involve the heating element in your furnace or heat pump. This part of the system will also accumulate dust and grime over time if a professional technician...

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