Tips for End-of-Summer HVAC Maintenance

While summer’s heat is still upon us, cooler days are just around the corner. As you’re getting ready for fall and winter in Oak Harbor, WA, season-ending HVAC maintenance is a step that shouldn’t be skipped. If you’re not sure where to start, read on for some easy tips from the experts. Replace Your Air Filter Often, homeowners forget about their air filters because they are getting their furnaces ready for winter. However, air filter changes are one of the easiest and least expensive ways to keep your home’s air conditioning system in top condition. Though most systems do well with a new filter every 90 days, yours may need more frequent changes. Refer to your system manual or ask in Oak Harbor for filter advice. Gradually Cut Back on Usage If your air conditioner has been running constantly from June through September, it might be time to give it a little break. As autumn approaches, the temperature will begin to drop, so it’s safe to gradually reduce your air conditioning usage. Think about raising the thermostat setting by a few degrees to give your overworked AC a breather. Close the blinds during the hottest part of the day to...

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Tips for Setting Your AC for Vacation

As you get ready to take that much-awaited summer vacation, it’s necessary to get your house prepared for the time that you’re going to be away. While you’re likely thinking about who’s going to take care of your pets and pick up your mail, you also need to consider your air conditioning system. It needs to be set at an appropriate temperature to ensure that your home stays safe while you’re on vacation. Leave It On It’s pretty common to think that your air conditioning system doesn’t need to be on while you’re away from home if no one’s going to be there. In fact, it may seem a bit counterintuitive to have it running and burning energy that you’re going to have to pay for. However, in the bigger scheme of things, it makes sense to leave it on. When the weather gets really hot outside, it tends to bring in high humidity levels. As this humid air enters your home, it will up the relative humidity level inside. A high indoor relative humidity level can make your home susceptible to mold growth, insect infestation, and even wood damage. Humidity Is a Big Issue Unfortunately, most homeowners don’t even...

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How To Clean Air Conditioning Unit

Nothing feels as good as coming in from the heat into a well-conditioned and refreshed house. Good air conditioning is part of what makes your home comfortable in the summer months. However, as time goes by, you might notice that the excellent air conditioning you experienced shortly after installing the air conditioning system is no more. This could be due to various causes, such as failed components in the unit or simply a lack of cleaning. Cleaning the AC unit is critical if you want to ensure that your unit is well maintained. Additionally, regular cleaning will help you save your system from expensive repairs. It’ll also minimize electricity costs and keep your home comfortable and pleasant. Cleaning an air conditioner is a process that involves multiple components. For most air conditioners, cleaning involves the following parts: Indoor AC component that contains the evaporator coils Outdoor AC Component that houses the condenser coil The AC filter Complete the following steps to successfully clean your air conditioner. 1. Switch Off the Power Supply An air conditioning unit consists of many electrical parts. For safety purposes, turn off any power supply to the air conditioner components. You can do this at the...

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Why Do Air Conditioners Freeze Up?

When your air conditioner is running properly, it should be nearly silent and should not have any frost or ice present. However, if you pay attention to your system, you have very likely seen part of it icing up at times. Learn what causes these ice-ups and whether it is something that should concern you with this simple guide provided by in Oak Harbor. How Air Conditioners Work Before digging into what causes air conditioners to freeze, you should understand how they work. Your air conditioner circulates refrigerant between the outdoor condensing unit and the indoor evaporator coil. It cools your home by absorbing the heat from the air moving through your HVAC system and venting it outside. To accomplish this, the system must regulate the pressure of the refrigerant. When the pressure goes down, the refrigerant gets cold. When the pressure increases, the refrigerant gets hot. The refrigerant at the evaporator coil should be low, making it cold and allowing it to absorb the most heat. Then, the compressor increases the pressure, allowing it to effectively transfer the heat to the air moving through the condensing coil. If the pressure cannot be regulated or if the air is not...

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Problems That Can Occur From Not Changing an Air Filter

Your AC’s air filter is easy to change. By completing this task periodically, you can help prevent many expensive AC problems. Air filters that become too dirty cause decreased efficiency and airflow in the cooling system. In turn, this may cause additional problems, such as high energy bills, warm air, weak airflow, and poor indoor air quality. High Energy Bills A common problem that occurs when you don’t change the air filter based on the manufacturer’s recommendations is an increase in your energy bill. You don’t want to wait until you receive your energy bill to know your air filter caused efficiency problems in your air conditioner, so remember to always change it on schedule. Warm Air When the air filter becomes clogged, the AC’s compressors may overheat. If your air conditioner begins blowing warm air instead of cold air and you haven’t changed the air filter on schedule, then the compressors have probably overheated. At this point, your AC may still need repair after you change the air filter because overheated compressors can cause damage to the system. Weak Airflow Clogged air filters don’t allow air to freely circulate throughout your cooling system. Aside from causing inefficiency, this can...

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