How Will a Mini-Split Affect My Home’s Resale Value?

When making changes to your home, it’s a great idea to consider how it can affect your home’s resale value. For years, central heating and air conditioning systems have been standard. However, there is growing popularity for mini-split system installations. Homeowners considering one of these will ask themselves this essential question: How will installing a mini-split system affect the resale value of my home? Mini-Split System Explained A mini-split is a completely ductless HVAC system. It can both heat and cool your home. While larger mini-split units can sometimes cool or heat an entire home, more commonly, you will find multiple indoor units. One for your main living area and one for each bedroom is a standard practice. These indoor units connect to a compressor/condenser outside of your home. Since you don’t need any ductwork with a mini-split installation, they are great options for a home that doesn’t already have ducts in them. They are also useful for homes that are adding rooms because there is no need to expand existing ductwork into the addition. Resale Value Effect If you are wondering if installing a mini-split system in your home will increase your home’s resale value, the answer is yes....

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Indoor Air Quality vs. Outdoor Air Quality

Did you know that the air in your Oak Harbor, WA home could be more contaminated than the air outside? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it could be up to five times more contaminated. While a tightly sealed home envelope promotes HVAC system efficiency, it can also trap many common allergens, pathogens, and gaseous chemical contaminants inside. Read on to find out how your indoor air quality (IAQ) measures up to the quality of air outdoors and learn how to create a healthier living environment. What Ventilation Does and Why It Matters In theory, homes should experience a constant inflow of fresh outdoor air along with the release of indoor contaminants through a process known as induction. However, if all building materials are sealed airtight, this essential air exchange doesn’t happen. The “V” in HVAC stands for ventilation, and it’s a critical part of maintaining a healthy home. All homes have some mechanical ventilation, but yours might not have enough. One of the best ways to create cleaner indoor air is by scheduling an IAQ assessment. Not only will this evaluation list the contaminants present and their concentrations, but it will also point out the need for...

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Can a Gas Furnace Be Converted to Electric?

Many homeowners rely on a furnace to keep their household cozy and warm throughout the cold winter months. Depending on the model you choose, furnaces can run on a variety of energy sources. If you currently have a gas furnace and would rather have an electric one, you might wonder if it’s possible to convert your existing furnace. Furnace Conversions When we talk about furnace conversions, we are talking about using the same furnace you already have but with a different energy source. While all these heating systems fall underneath the general name of a furnace, they have different internal components depending on the type of fuel they use to heat your home. For example, a natural gas furnace will have a burner, pilot light, combustion chamber, and gas valve inside that is responsible for burning up the natural gas that’s fed into the furnace to create heat. On the other hand, an electric furnace will have built-in heating coils that are powered by electricity to create heat. When the internal components needed for your preferred fuel do not exist in the current furnace that you have in your home, then you can’t do a conversion. A natural gas furnace...

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How Long Does an HVAC Fuse Last?

The lifespan of your HVAC unit is directly related to your unit’s fuse. The fuse interrupts the electrical current when issues arise, such as power surges or electoral overloads, keeping your HVAC unit safe. HVAC Fuses HVAC systems rely on a complex interplay of electrical components to function optimally. Fuses act as protective devices and prevent system damage from electrical faults. Fuses are used in the evaporator coils, motors, compressors, and wiring configurations. Without fuses, your HVAC system would become overloaded and break down. Fuse Lifespan Factors How long your fuse lasts depends on several factors: usage, quality of materials, and environmental conditions. Usage refers to how often you use your HVAC at home. Is it often overwhelmed with back-and-forth requests from hot to cold and back again? Do you run it 24/7 year round, or does it have breaks where the system is shut off? The more the system is used, the more wear-and-tear the fuse undergoes. The quality of materials used to make the fuse matters as well. Higher-quality materials mean a longer-lasting part. Environmental conditions refer to the type of environment your system is in. Is your HVAC system outside? That can make it more likely to...

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5 Tips to Keep Your Home Warm and Save Energy

When the Oak Harbor, WA winter arrives, the chilly weather can necessitate frequent use of your household heating system. However, if you keep the heater running all day and night, it will not only wear out the appliance, but it will also cost you a ton of money on wasted energy. This can make you feel like you have to choose between keeping your home comfortable and keeping your bills under control. Here, we’ll take a look at a few useful tips for staying warm while also conserving energy and saving money. 1. Schedule a Heating Tune-Up The more energy-efficient your household heating system is, the less money you’ll need to spend on electricity this winter. One extremely effective way to improve the efficiency of your furnace or heat pump is to schedule a professional tune-up. During one of these maintenance visits, local HVAC technicians will come out to your house and thoroughly inspect your heating system. They’ll check for any problems with the appliance, including any components that may need to be repaired or replaced. They’ll also take several steps to improve the unit’s overall performance and efficiency, which will help you save quite a bit of money throughout...

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Will Skipping Professional Service Void My AC Warranty?

If the air conditioner in your Oak Harbor, Washington home malfunctions or fails, you may be able to sidestep the costs of replacement or repairs. Nearly all AC manufacturers offer five-year product warranties that cover defective parts. However, the only way to enjoy the benefits that these warranties provide is by scheduling routine AC service. Why Professional AC Service Is Essential Annual service optimizes the efficiency of air conditioners. When scheduled in spring, these services also prime cooling equipment for the challenges that lie ahead. They give our technicians a chance to identify and address problems early on. This way, minor issues never spiral out of control. During routine AC service, we replace worn or missing parts, calibrate cooling equipment, and take other measures to limit system stress. Well-maintained AC units last a lot longer than models that never receive professional care, and they’re less likely to require expensive repairs. If you skip annual maintenance service and your air conditioner breaks down, your AC manufacturer is unlikely to cover your repairs. This remains true even if your AC problems are the result of a manufacturing defect that would otherwise qualify you for coverage. The reason is simple. When you sign...

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5 Signs You Should Service Your Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner is probably one of the most vital appliances in your home during the summer months. An AC keeps your indoor environment cool and comfortable from the scorching temperatures. But even the best brands in the market require professional service to facilitate proper functioning throughout the hot days. However, it may be challenging to determine when to schedule a service for your air conditioner. Here are five tell-tale signs that it’s time for AC service. 1. System Makes Strange Noises Usually, an air conditioner makes some low-level sounds, especially when turning on and shutting down. But during normal operation, it should make little to no noise. If you notice any strange sounds, such as buzzing, screeching, humming, or rattling noises, it indicates that your AC needs service. A screeching sound may be an indication of a malfunctioning fan motor. Humming or buzzing may signify a compressor problem, while rattling noises may be a sign of a mechanical issue. An experienced professional will assess your system’s internal components during AC service and fix the issue. 2. AC Blows Warm Air The main function of your AC is to cool down your indoor space. But if you turn on your...

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5 Tips to Help You Reduce Monthly Heating and Cooling Bills

As a homeowner, you rely on your HVAC system to provide heating and cooling inside your home year-round. While you need your HVAC system to stay comfortable, you also want to ensure that you take steps to keep your energy bills in check. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to balance comfort and energy efficiency. You can also follow a few tips to get the most out of your HVAC system. 1. Service Your HVAC System Often Can you recall the last time you had your HVAC system checked? If not, lack of maintenance could be the reason you’re paying more on your energy bills than usual. Investing in regular maintenance is perhaps the most important thing you can do to ensure that it is running efficiently and free of operational issues. Unmaintained HVAC systems often contain dirty or worn-out components that make it harder for the system to do its job. An overworked system will drive up your energy bills and have a harder time keeping you comfortable. Lack of maintenance can also lead to costly repairs and premature breakdowns, costing you even more money. 2. Invest in a New Thermostat HVAC thermostats have come a...

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The Truth About 5 Common Heating and Cooling Myths

Roughly 90% of American homes are outfitted with heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. Despite how common residential central air systems are, many people perpetuate myths about heating and cooling. Interested in uncovering the truth behind what you’ve heard? Look no further! This short guide will shine a light on several oh-so-common air conditioning and heating myths you may have come across. 1. Ceiling and Box Fans Reduce Indoor Temperature You’d be hard-pressed to find a home without at least one fan. These devices use electric power to spin fan blades, circulating air in the process. Box and ceiling fans both use the same power conversion processes to move air around. Ceiling fans also serve a decorative purpose for homeowners. Most people have heard that fans make indoor spaces cooler. You’ve probably deduced this “fact” on your own. While fans can make you feel cooler, they don’t lower the temperature indoors. If anything, due to the release of energy by fans, they make indoor spaces hotter. In actuality, however, this effect is negligible. As you know, your body sweats to release heat. Evaporation is responsible for transferring heat from your body to your immediate environment. Water’s rate of evaporation increases as...

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Home Energy Saving Tips for the Spring

Your air conditioning system and your home will largely determine how much you’ll pay for cooling in the spring and summer. If you take the following tips to heart, then you may be able to minimize those cooling costs without once sacrificing you and your family’s indoor comfort. Have Regular AC Maintenance Done With professional maintenance every spring, your unit will be able to provide cool air all summer without strain. Strain is one thing that will always raise your utility bills, as imperceptible as the increase may seem, because it causes the AC to work longer and harder to achieve the same results. Airflow blockage, caused by any of the following, can contribute to this strain: Dirt collecting on the evaporator coil A frozen evaporator coil Dirt in the vents and filters Fallen leaves in the outdoor AC unit Some parts in the unit need to be oiled on a regular basis, or they may overheat. In any case, this can also result in strain for the system and higher bills. Air leaks in the ductwork pose a similar threat. The technician you call over for the tune-up can pinpoint these and other problems and can eliminate them before...

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