How Can Programming Your Thermostat Save You Money?

In an era where energy efficiency and cost savings have become paramount concerns, the humble thermostat has evolved from a mere temperature control device into a powerful tool for reducing energy consumption and saving money. Programming your thermostat might seem like a small change, but it can significantly impact your wallet and the environment. The Power of Precision Gone are the days of manually adjusting the thermostat whenever you feel too hot or cold. Modern programmable thermostats offer the convenience of setting a schedule tailored to your daily routine. This precision allows you to reduce the energy used to heat or cool your home when you’re not there or when you’re asleep. In addition, you can program your thermostat to raise or lower the temperature in your home to a comfortable level just before you return home from work or wake up. This feature allows you to enjoy substantial energy savings without sacrificing comfort. Smart Thermostats: The Next Level While programmable thermostats have been around for a while, recent technological advancements have given rise to smart thermostats that take energy efficiency to a whole new level. Smart thermostats offer features such as learning your habits and preferences. This capability means...

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How to Know What Size of Ductless Mini Split You Need

Ductless mini splits are a unique type of HVAC unit that can both heat and cool. These units are designed for use in buildings with no central heating or air conditioning system, as they operate without the need for ductwork. They are also a great option for additions that aren’t connected to the central HVAC system or for any rooms or areas where you may need to supplement your heating and cooling. As with any other type of HVAC unit, it is vital that you choose a ductless mini split that is the right size for the space. If not, the unit may not heat or cool sufficiently. An oversized or undersized unit will also lead to higher energy bills, experience more frequent issues and likely break down much sooner. With all this in mind, here is a quick overview of how to calculate what size of ductless mini split you need. Determining Your Needs Most mini splits are designed to heat or cool just one room or space, but there are systems that can control the temperature throughout an entire home. These systems still have one outdoor heat pump that is connected to multiple indoor air handlers. In order...

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How To Make an Old Home More Energy Efficient

Old homes are beautiful and built to last a lifetime. One thing they aren’t known for, though, is their energy efficiency. As older materials settle, gaps between the materials can lead to significant air leaks. When you combine these issues with the inefficiency of older materials such as single-pane windows, it’s easy to see why old Oak Harbor homes can be energy hogs. If you’re tired of paying for the privilege of living in a historic home, though, there are steps you can take to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Here are a few steps to get you started: Fill the Cavities Given that construction methods for many older homes differed from the construction methods that are used today, most older homes have significant empty cavities throughout their structure that lead to energy inefficiency. To make your home more comfortable, therefore, it’s important to fill these cavities with high-density insulation. Of course, cavities on exterior walls are the most important, but all cavities should be filled to achieve the best results. Change the HVAC System The technology used to heat and cool a home has improved drastically since your older home was built. While it may be easier and less...

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How Cleaning Your Windows Can Enhance Your Energy Efficiency

There are many benefits to having clean windows in your home or office, and improving the energy efficiency of a building is one of them. Getting regular cleanings for your windows could be a great investment in your property. Whether you live in an environment where rain splatters on your windows and leaves marks, or there’s dust blowing in the air, window cleaning is critical. Let in More Sunlight Getting the dirt off of your windows can let in more sunlight. This is especially important in the winters when passive solar heating can add a lot of energy to your home. Not having spots of dirt all over the glass can also provide higher-quality light in your building and make for a better environment. The dirt can reflect and refract the light so that it doesn’t make it into your home to help heat it. Protect Your Window Energy-efficient windows have coatings on them to reduce their ability to transfer heat. It does this by minimizing the convection and conduction that occurs through a window when there is a temperature differential. Since heat loss through windows often contributes up to 30% of the total heat loss from a residential building,...

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